Can Mediation be cancelled?
If you decide to pursue mediation, we will contact all parties to determine if they are willing to participate. The process is entirely optional, and you may opt out at any time. Once all parties have agreed to participate, we will select a neutral location for the meeting.
All parties will meet with the mediator, who will explain the procedure and establish the meeting’s ground rules. Each individual is then given the opportunity to explain their views and provide their side of the argument.
The mediator can next meet with each party separately to discuss their positions in further depth, assist them in exploring the possibilities for an agreement, and elicit their proposals for resolving the conflict.
Frequently, this assists individuals in focusing on what is most important to them and in discovering answers that may not have been previously considered.
In divorce mediation, a separating couple deals with a neutral mediator who assists both parties pertain to an agreement on all elements of their divorce. It is vital for the mediator to be neutral and not promote for either party. Both parties still need to talk to their own, specific lawyers throughout the mediation and prior to signing the final divorce settlement contract.
Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of mediation before considering whether it will work for you.
- Result in a much better long-term relationship with your ex-husband since you will not “fight” in court.
- Be much easier on kids given that the divorce proceedings may be more serene.
- Speed up an agreement.
- Reduce costs.
- Assist you stay in control of your divorce due to the fact that you are making the decisions (and the court isn’t).
- Allow more discretion. it is private; prosecuted divorce is public.
However, on the “con” side, divorce mediation might also:
- Lose time and money. If negotiations stop working, you’ll need to start all over.
- Lead to an unenforceable arrangement. A mediation contract that’s lopsided or inadequately prepared can be challenged.
- Lead to legal problems. Any issue of law will still need to be ruled upon by the court.
- Fail to reveal certain assets. Since all financial information is voluntarily disclosed and there is no subpoena of records, your hubby could possibly hide assets/income.
- Strengthen unhealthy behaviour patterns. If one partner is controlling and the other is submissive, the last settlement might not be fair.
When can mediation be used?
At any stage of a dispute, mediation can be used. Consequently, it might be chosen as the initial step towards resolving the dispute when the parties’ conversations have failed. It may also be utilised at any point throughout litigation or arbitration if the parties choose to explore the possibility of settlement.
Solent Family Mediation can help with your disputes – Call today – 0238 161 1051
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