With Solent Family Mediation, we offer comprehensive results from our mediators. Our service allows you to arrange your mediation seven days a week, quickly and efficiently as well as pick the date and time of the meeting for your convenience.

Do things have the be settled in court?

When it comes to divorce, family mediation services have proven to be just as effective with significantly less time and financial pressure.

At Solent Mediation Leatherhead, we provide a hassle-free and cost-effective method for resolving any dispute arising from the dissolution of a relationship.

How Family Mediation in Leatherhead can help!

Family mediation can be beneficial for resolving disputes and making important decisions during family breakdowns. It provides a neutral and safe space for both parties to discuss their issues with the help of an impartial mediator. Mediation is generally less expensive than going through the court system or hiring solicitors, and the process is confidential, meaning discussions cannot be used as evidence in court, with some exceptions for safety concerns.

Need a Mediator in Leatherhead?

Do you need a MIAMS or FM1 in Leatherhead?

A Mediation Information Assessment Meeting is an initial meeting with an approved mediator from Solent in order to gain Form FM1 to prove that you have done so.

Learn more about MIAM and FM1

Call to find out more on 0238 161 1051

See our FAQs on family mediation

See more about our fees

Why Family Mediation is the best option:
Mediate or court?

Saves Money

Saves Family Relationships

Saves you from Court Battle

Child First Focus

Keeps you in control

Contact Us Today

Mediation company Leatherhead – Divorce  MIAMS