Family mediation Weymouth is an option that is able to help you if you are experiencing a family or partnership breakdown or dispute. It will assist you in taking full control as well as responsibility to reach a final agreement without the intervention of the law in an neutral environment.

Online Mediation usually leads to a more satisfactory result and better understanding on both sides without involving the courts and is a more cost effective option. Arrange your initial assessment meeting.

Mediation in the uk

Your qualified family mediator has years of experience and will do their utmost effort to achieve a positive result in disputes including the child contact, personal finances, the distribution of property and much more. In addition, 

Your Mediation session offers a neutral environment out of family court as a way to resolve your disputes.

What are the benefits of mediation in Weymouth?

The Types of  Issues Which Can be Addressed Through Family Mediation

Solent Family Mediation can assist with numerous issues, including financial matters and disputes over child access.

All aspects of parenting issues and family problems can be resolved using mediation with your ex partner. Divorcing or separating parents may need support relating to access to children, drawing up parental plans, dealing with the family home and division of assets as well as help with communication between parties and organising grandparents’ access to their grandchildren.

At Solent Family Mediation, we are experts in family law and are pleased to offer a comprehensive strategy that provides the clarity and insight required to make the right decisions at the right moments.

Why customers choose Solent Mediation Weymouth

Speak to an experienced Family Mediator today.  Mediation meetings available as an effective way to handle family matters and financial disputes.

Need a Mediator in Weymouth?
Solent Family Mediation
Do you need a MIAMS or FM1 in Weymouth?

Mediation Information Assessment Meeting with an approved mediator from Solent and get a Form FM1 to prove that they have done so.

Learn more about a MIAM (Mediation Information Assessment Meeting)

Call to find out more on 0238 161 1051

See our FAQs on family mediation

Shuttle Mediation Available

See more about our fees

Why Family Mediation is the best option:
Mediate or court?

Saves Money

Saves Family Relationships

Avoids Court Proceedings

Child First FocusContact Us Today

Keeps you in control

Legal Aid Support

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Mediation company Weymouth – Divorce  MIAMS