Mediation Information Assessment Meeting is your first step into mediation with an approved mediator from Solent will gain you access to Form FM1 to prove that you have attempted mediation Learn more about MIAM and FM1 – click here.
Contact us today to find out how to begin the mediation process. Before taking your family issues to court to allow them to rule on your matter, you are required by law to consider mediation by attending a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM).
There are exemptions to being suitable for mediation and can be issues from child safety to living overseas to domestic abuse.
If you receive an invitation to an MIAM but choose not to go or decline, you might be required to give the judge an explanation of why. Before applying for a Child Arrangement Order, you are generally required to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) Mediation can help you and your ex-partner agree on child arrangements without going to court.