Find out How Family Mediation Can Help
Accredited Legal Aid Support – Family Mediation Voucher Scheme – Shuttle Mediation – Child Inclusive Mediation
Find out How Family Mediation Can Help
Accredited Legal Aid Support – Family Mediation Voucher Scheme – Shuttle Mediation – Child Inclusive Mediation
who we are
Our mediation services cover divorce, child custody, and other family matters.Our services aim to reduce stress and find peaceful resolutions for family disputes.
We create a safe space for honest and productive discussions. We ensure that all voices are heard and considered.
Our mediators facilitate open and respectful communication. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.
At Solent Family Mediation Yate, a qualified impartial mediator assists you in reaching agreements with another party (e.g., an ex-spouse) over children, finances, or property.
The mediator is there to assist you in resolving your differences and identifying mutually beneficial solutions, as well as to explain how to make your agreement legally enforceable if you so want.
Unless you are exempt, you must attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (also known as an MIAM) prior to filing an application for a court order in respect to certain forms of family law issues, unless you are exempt.
The function of a mediator is to direct the discourse so that the parties concerned have the authority to settle their own disputes. A mediator does not recommend results; we are just there to assist parties in finding their path.
When the parties construct their own agreement, not only is it far more likely to last, but they may also forge a new relationship since they worked as a team.
Not only may mediation be used to settle problems, but it can also be used to restore friendships and develop new ones where none previously existed.
What do you need to know?
The standard for a lot of clients on parenting or financial concerns is actually 3 x 90-minute mediation visits.
The MIAM is an introductory session where the mediator explains the mediation process. They will also determine if mediation is suitable for your case. They will go through it’s benefits and will assess if mediation is the right approach for your specific case.