
How We Help Families

Solent Family Mediation in Gillingham offers a quicker and more cost-effective alternative to court proceedings. Our service reduces conflict and keeps your family in control of decisions regarding children, property, and finances. We operate across the UK and bring over 10 years of professional experience in family mediation.

What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a process where a professionally trained mediator helps you and your ex-partner work out arrangements for finances and children following a separation. It can also be useful when existing agreements need to change, especially as your children grow.

Mediation keeps you in control. No one will force you to do anything against your wishes. The mediator will help you find a solution that works for both of you and explain what needs to be done to make your agreement legally binding.

Solent Family Mediation’s registered mediators have helped thousands of families in Gillingham reach financial agreements and find cooperative ways to parent their children after separation. The process is less stressful and significantly faster than going to court, and it can save you money. Legal aid is available if you qualify.

Our mediators work with separating couples in flexible ways tailored to your situation. You don’t need to be in the same room as your ex-partner if you or the mediator decides that working separately would be better.

Solent Family mediation services Gillingham

If you are in a civil partnership, married, or even cohabiting with your partner and are now considering a separation or divorce, family mediation can assist you in coming to an arrangement about a joint property, finance issues, and children.

Solent Family Mediation will ensure that they take you through all the steps necessary to assist you in reaching a united decision.

Why Choose Solent Family Mediation Gillingham?

A family mediator can help you make preparation for the future as well as to help you decide with your ex-partner on issues surrounding your breakup or children.

Your local Solent Family Mediator can help you make arrangements regarding decisions that are essential for you and your family when you are going through a divorce. Mediators are impartial and able to give you guidance to work through child access conversations and hopefully to avoid court.

Mediation in Gillingham:

Why Choose Family Mediation Gillingham?

• Easier and Quicker: Mediation is less complicated and faster than going to court. It’s also much cheaper than hiring a lawyer.

• Helps with Arrangements: You can make decisions about property, finances, and parenting.

• Control Over Your Future: Mediation lets you have more control over your family’s future and keeps your child’s best interests at heart.

• Move Forward: It helps everyone move on to the next stage of their lives.

• Effective: Over 70% of cases reach an agreement through mediation.

When you separate, it can be tough to talk to your ex-partner, let alone agree on what’s best for your family. If you have children, it’s much better for them if you and your ex-partner can work together to agree on the way forward, but this can be hard to do on your own.

How Mediation Helps:

• Safe and Supportive: Mediation provides a safe and supportive environment to discuss the best arrangements for your children, considering what’s important for them as they grow.

• Time and Space: It gives you the time and space to think about what’s most important for your children and the whole family.

Whether you have children or not, mediation can help you agree on how to divide your assets, where you will live, and how your future finances will work.

When to Try Family Mediation:

• Get Help Now: Contact a registered mediator if you need help sorting things out.

• Even After Separation: Even if you’ve been separated for a while or your case has already gone to court, mediation can still help resolve issues.

• Court Requirement: You usually can’t take your case to court until you find out if mediation can help you first. If you can’t show that you’ve considered it, the judge may stop or delay proceedings until you have.

• MIAM: The first step is to attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) to see if mediation is right for you. You might be surprised to find it is. We know that when both former partners attend a MIAM, three-quarters choose to mediate, even if they didn’t know anything about mediation before the meeting or thought their partner was too unreasonable for it to work.

If you think your case isn’t suitable for mediation, you’ll need to show the court that you’ve attended a MIAM and considered mediation and other alternatives before going to court, unless specific circumstances exempt you from this requirement.