How much does family mediation cost UK?

By Solent Family Mediation |
December 23, 2021

Table of Contents

What is the cost of Mediation?

You and your ex partner will need to make decisions regarding your divorce that are in your best interests, as well as the best interests of your children if there are any. During the mediation phase of the process both you and your spouse meet with an impartial third party known as the mediator. With the mediator’s assistance, the two of you work together to solve the problems that you need to address so that you can end your marriage in the most amicable and economical manner possible. Concerns that are discussed in mediation can include but not limited to;

  1. What Will Happen to the Family Home
  2. Child Access and Parenting Time.
  3. Child Support Support/Maintenance.
  4. Retirement.
  5. Loans and Credit Cards

In mediation, the couple, with the help of the mediator, works out agreements on the above issues. It is the mediator’s responsibility to keep communication channels open, generate ideas, help the couple stay on focus and assist the pair in making decisions. When divorcing couples lose focus and move away from the issues during mediation, arguments, name-calling, and negative memories from the past are brought up.

Mediation is a versatile and holistic process and your mediator will work to find the best solutions for your personal situation. It gives you and your spouse a way to settle the conflict in between you in a manner that assists you to work together as parents, this is very essential if you have children and need to communicate plans with your ex-spouse after you are separated. Mediation has the ability to assist the couple to work out communication if only for the sake of the children, and make a post-divorce relationship a healthy one moving forward..

A family mediator is neutral and doesn’t take sides of either parent. That means the mediator can not provide guidance to either party. A mediator will stay neutral no matter what the situation. What the mediator can do, however, is assist the separating couple in working on ideas that can ultimately result in arrangements that will help everyone know where they stand moving forward. This open exchange of information and options helps both partners to work with each other in confidence. When both parties are working with goal and objective it typically takes far less time to negotiate a resolution that makes sense to everyone.

For how long does divorce mediation take and what are the costs?

How Much Does It Cost to Mediate?

If you qualify for legal assistance, you will be able to access financial support to pay for the family mediation service. If you or your partner is eligible for legal aid for family mediation, you may only be required to pay for the second and any subsequent mediation sessions. The initial MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) as well as the first mediation session, can be provided at no cost to you.

If you are required to pay for mediation, you should inquire about the fees charged by the Registered Mediator at the time of your initial contact with them. We offer a transparent fee schedule for private mediation and this can be found here. For mediation sessions and the drafting of documentation, Solent Family Mediators cost an estimate of £120 per person per hour.

During the initial session, which is sometimes referred to as an MIAM (Mediator Information Assessment meeting), the mediator will discuss with you whether or not they feel you may be eligible for legal assistance. Mediators who are able to deliver Legal Aid will be authorised to carry out formal evaluations. Speak to our team to be connected to our Legal Aid Team.

In addition, the mediator will be able to provide you with a more precise estimate of how much the mediation process is likely to cost you (based on the number of sessions that the mediator believes you will need to complete in order to reach an agreement), as well as the cost of drafting any documentation that may be required.