Sometime when you are going through a family dispute, it might seem as if the only way around it is by going to court.

However, this might not be the best way since in most cases, it only creates a bigger drifts. Court cases can drag out for years leaving all members of the family frustrated.

Therefore, mediation is one of the best options for people who are undergoing such breakdowns.

In addition, family mediation is cheaper compared to hiring lawyers for representation in courts.

Why customers choose Solent Mediation Epsom

Your ex causing you stress and upset?

Contact our team Today – Put and end to the conflict in your life – NOW.

How Family Mediation in EPSOM can help you?

We help with these kinds of situations, and others.

Solent Family Mediation Epsom understands relationships and cherishes every single one of them. That is why we can be your voice, or the helping hand, that will get you back on track.

With the expert advice from our mediators, we can also assist you in other areas, like children access, finances, family home, pensions, business, parental plans, savings and investment, communication and assets.

Unable to Agree? Need a mediator in Epsom?
Family Mediation the perfect solution for you
Do you need a MIAMS or FM1 in Epsom?

Mediation Information Assessment Meeting with an approved mediator from Solent and get a Form FM1 to prove that they have done so.

Learn more about MIAM and FM1.

So, contact us today and see how we can improve your life; because we have a heart for family.

Before asking a court to rule on your matter, you are typically required by law to consider mediation by attending a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM).

There are now 15 exemptions to this, covering everything from kid safety to living overseas to domestic abuse.

You are not required to attend an MIAM if thereafter you (or the mediator) determine that mediation is not what you want to do.

If you receive an invitation to an MIAM but choose not to go or decline, you might be required to give the judge an explanation of why.

The judge may occasionally put your case on hold while you try mediation. Even in these situations, you are not required to appear, though the judge will ask you why.

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